A Brief History of Houses

A Brief History of Houses

Why Build a Log House

Log houses are structure made of logs of different shapes and sizes. The logs used in the construction may be squared, round or designed in different shapes, either handcrafted or milled. The weather condition of an area plays a vital role on the type of log to use in the construction. For instance, coniferous trees, such as pine and spruce are widely used in large areas of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Russia and the Baltic States since they are widely available in those regions. Besides, regions of Europe, Balkans and the Alps also use the coniferous trees to construct their buildings. However, in warmer and more westerly regions of Europe, where deciduous trees predominate, timber framing was favored instead. The following are the main types of milled logs, they include D-shaped logs, square logs, full-round logs, as well as Swedish Cope logs. The types of milled logs have different features, for instance, D-shaped logs are flat inside and round on the outside, while the full-round milled logs are fully round inside and out, unlike the Swedish cope logs that are round inside and out, with a half-moon-shaped groove on the bottom. The following are the main methods of constructing log houses. The main methods include the Scandinavian Full-Scribe is naturally-shaped, smoothly-peeled logs which are scribed and custom-fitted to one another while the In the flat-on-flat method, logs are flattened on the top and bottom and then stacked, however, Milled log houses are built with a groove system that assists in aligning one log to another and creates a system to seal out the elements.

The following are the reasons why log and timber buildings are better that the brick buildings. First and foremost, the logs used to build the houses are renewable resource, therefore the building will have a solid green lineage. If you want your house to last for many years, then log constructions are ideal for you. Beside, the log houses do not need additional heating system since the timber itself provides good thermo insulation. Homes that are made out of logs are strong enough to withstand storms and other natural calamities. Log house are considered better for people living in cold regions since the log walls are able to collect and store the sun’s energy during the day, then radiate it back into the home in the evening. The building and taking care of a log house seems to be expensive when one first hear all the numbers, however, the building of a log cabin is no more expensive than the building of a brick house, furthermore, it is faster to build the log home hence the building expenses will be less. It is vital to use high quality materials as well as to employ experienced professionals to build it.

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