Case Study: My Experience With Management

Case Study: My Experience With Management

The Positive Approach of Union Avoidance Strategy

Workers these days are now capable of forming a union and this is something that other employers are not really in consonance with it since this could threaten their position. The implications of employers not wanting to form union among employees were already stipulated in different pieces of writing. The information below will focus on the constructive approach of union avoidance strategy, if you are willing to know what is this all about then might as well read further.

It is important that employers don’t just focus on getting rid of any possibility of union formation but also to those positive things that will help them keep their workforce productive at the same time union free. There is a misconception that employers must avoid is the idea that workers wanted to form a union because they want to outsmart them by taking more money from the company. Employers must keep in mind is that union forming reforms were made because they were not able to provide a good employee relations platform, an increased salary is not just the issue in this matter.

The first thing that you must take into consideration is good governance over your subordinates, by good governance the employee relations platform must be geared towards collaborative working rather than controlling the employees. In this approach, you need to see management in a different manner, management should not be solely based on the roles that employers and employee has, by this it means employers should not just be seen as high almighty beings while the employees are mere followers. Management should be more of a collective effort between the manager and the employees, that success in the company are not just done by the managers or the workers alone but from the both group. With that being said, whatever your position in the company, you are part of the success the company is having. In this kind of management approach the main goal is for employees not to feel like disrespected and violated rather they are encourage to work even better because their managers are there to help them. An open line communication is very essential between the employers/managers and the workers so that problems or issues will be discussed and corrected right away. At this point, the managers and employees are in one team, in other words the management regularly updates the employees what’s going on with the business, the milestones accomplished along with the challenges expected. Proper execution of the latter will result to employees feeling valued in the company thus they will not think of joining or forming any union because the company is treating them right. The other side of the having a proper communication in the company is letting the employees voice out their opinions or suggestions to the management.

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Incredible Lessons I’ve Learned About Strategies

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