How to Safely Get Verified Valid News and Information from the Internet? (Prevent from Fake News)
Everyone today chooses to seek information from the internet, this happens because searching for information on the internet is easier, more effective, and more efficient. There is so much information that we can easily get from the internet, especially when we are looking for viral news (berita viral) that is happening and is being talked about a lot, the internet is a way for us to find out news easily.
After knowing the ways to get information like the one above, now let’s start being a good internet users by looking for viral info (info viral) and valid information.
We can find quality information and avoid hoaxes, namely by
- The latest, information must be updated, avoid looking for old information.
- Complete, the information must be complete according to the title made.
- Relevant, the content of the information must be related to the sales made.
- Accurate, information must contain facts.
- Reliable/accountable, this information must have information on the author so that the writing can be accounted for.
- Presented well, the information has a good structure.
After we know how the quality of information, we can determine whether the information is valid or invalid by:
- Looking for who wrote the information whether written clearly or not?
- Is there a connection between the writer’s profession and the content of his writings?
- Check the website’s identity page about the Vision and Mission of the website and whether it is by the writings.
- The author writes down the author’s contact to be responsible for his writing.
- Referral sources from the website can be reliable/traceable or not.
After knowing the ways to get information like the one above, now let’s start being a good internet users by looking for valid news and information.