Looking On The Bright Side of Guides

Looking On The Bright Side of Guides

A Behavior contract for Managing the Kids Behavior

Not every behavior is acceptable in the society, and therefore there is need to provide that the kids are well behaved to have an impact on the lives they are living and to be accepted by the society. Some of the kids behavior are picked from the people they live and associate with which I some cases could be the parents and the teachers they encounter during their studies. In most of the cases when the children are not with their teachers they are at home with the parents or their guardians, and therefore they are the people who are charged with the most significant responsibility of ensuring that the kids behave well and they are in the ways of the society.

It is essential that I cases where some kids seem to be ill acted the parents and the teachers should be in the first place to ensure that the kids are making steps towards changing their behavior which can be done by introducing a behavior contract signed amongst all the stakeholders. A the contract is an alternative means in which people use mainly at a time when they are not able to move an inch of making the kids behave well when they are in school and at home.

Parents may not notice some of the behaviors of their kids for a long time because most of the bad behavior is evident when kids are free with other kids in school, and therefore the teacher is the one to notify that parent and initiate the contract which will see them cooperate to ensure the kid is changed from the behavior. When the kid accepts that they are not well behaved the contract now takes initiative as the listed behaviors that are noticeable and are bad are written and at the end the goals that they need to attain is written to ensure there is a clear guideline as to what they are supposed to do.

A discussion between the student and the teacher is very important in trying to examine the root cause of their ill behavior because in essence that is the point to start the change they would want to see in their kids. When students get the blank contract form their work is to fill in it and ensure it reaches the teacher for counterchecking and where it is not loaded according to what the agreed with the teacher the teacher indicates with a red pen to help the student know what they are required to do.

It becomes all inclusive when the teacher does their best to ensure that even the parents are involved in signing the contract so as to show their support in providing that the kids are doing well with their behavior. When this method fails it shows that there is need to take more firm actions in ensuring that the kids do well.

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