Is technology making it harder or easier for new music artists?
The last 100 years have been revolutionary for music but is technology still bringing positive change for the industry?
The music industry has evolved enormously over the past century. When we look back at the technology that has emerged in that time – electric guitars, synths, amplification, records, tapes, CDs, mp3s – it’s all been for good in the long run.
Even the technologies that haven’t stuck around – minidisk, I’m looking at you – didn’t really have a negative effect on the industry.
But is the future quite so positive?
It seems unlikely that we’ll see the invention of anything as ground-breaking and physical as an electric guitar. Today’s technological advancements are much more software based.
Euronews Culture spoke to Niall Doorley, founder of the Future Music Forum in Barcelona to discuss whether the intersection between technology and music will continue to be a helping hand for artists.