Benefits of Training Emotional Intelligence

Besides Intellectual Intelligence, We Need Emotional Intelligence, many psychologists and experts in human behavior believe that emotional intelligence (Emotional Quotient) has a more important role to achieve success than relying solely on intellectual intelligence (Intelligence Quotient). Emotional intelligence includes many things such as speech, behavior, habits, and many other things, which are fully studied in the field of neuroscience.
Emotional intelligence can be trained and developed in various ways. Such as knowing your own emotions, managing your own emotions, knowing the emotions of others, and social intelligence in building relationships with others.
The following explains how to develop emotional intelligence.
Knowing Your Emotions
You can begin to evaluate nature and your thoughts. Are you the type of person who is angry, brave, cowardly, anxious, indecisive, shy, and so on? You can start by remembering why you feel angry, sad, or happy and what triggers those emotions and what emotions … Read more