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The inventors who labored to bring the computer into the world had to learn that the thing they were inventing was not just a number cruncher, not merely a calculator. For example, they had to learn that it was not necessary to invent a new computer for every new calculation and that a computer could be designed to solve numerous problems, even problems not yet imagined when the computer was built. They also had to learn how to tell such a general problem-solving computer what problem to solve. It is not universally true that bugs are solely due to programmer oversight. Computer hardware may fail or may itself have a fundamental problem that produces unexpected results in certain situations. For instance, the Pentium FDIV bug caused some Intel microprocessors in the early 1990s to produce inaccurate results for certain floating point division operations.
CTC ultimately declined the device leaving Intel with the intellectual property. This resulted in the Intel 8008, released in 1972, that would eventually become the foundation of Intel’s personal computer CPU range. It was followed by the Intel 8080 in 1974, the Intel 8086 in 1978 and the cost-reduced 8088 in 1979 used in the original IBM PC.
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Application materials include transcripts, a personal essay, and a resume. Consider your individual learning needs and preferences in weighing your program delivery options. Since that time, and especially since the rise of the commercial internet in the 1990s, IT has evolved into a major industry. According to the Wall Street Journal, global businesses spent $4.38 trillion on their IT needs in 2022. James M. Tobin is a writer, researcher, and editor specializing in student reference and academic research materials related to technology, business, finance, law, and the humanities.